Trash Talk Business Podcast

Lewis Vandervalk

Lewis Vandervalk Profile Photo


Lewis Vandervalk is a serial entrepreneur located in New Brunswick, Canada. With a background in Construction and trades and a degree in Mechanical Engineering, Lewis started a business doing Digital Marketing for Contractors in 2019. With no formal business or sales experience, he has ridden the roller coaster of business and personal development, and surrounded himself with coaches and mentors who have helped him grow and develop. Currently, Lewis is owner of Blue Crocus Solutions, a Digital Marketing Company providing Web Design, SEO, and Google ads to contractors. As well, in May of 2021, he partnered with, and helped grow a local junk removal company using these results driven marketing tactics.

Feb. 3, 2025

Ep. 143 - What is SEO and how to use it with Lewis Vandervalk

What is SEO? How important is it for junk removal companies? How do I get it to work effectively? Join us as we chat with Lewis Vandervalk, of Blue Crocus Solutions, about this important digital marketing strategy. Learn more...
April 24, 2023

Ep. 53 - Setting The Record Straight On AI with Lewis Vandervalk

Amidst the buzz surrounding AI and the cutting-edge tool known as ChatGPT, we've enlisted the expertise of a true professional to unravel the mystery. Gracing our presence is the renowned Lewis Vandervalk from Blue Crocus Solutions, who'll shed light...